Sunday, January 8, 2012

Believing Vs Knowing

 Hey everyone.

Today I want to talk about these two words today. When someone comes up to you at the gym, or life and says something that you are unsure about. RESEARCH IT! Believing is when someone tells you something that you think that it is true, when knowing is when you have evidence, FACTUAL evidence.

For example, the HCG diet was said to make you lose tons of weight and not feel hungry ever. People believed that it was true, but now it is known that it actually does nothing to make you feel less hungry, IT WAS ALL PSYCHOSOCIAL.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns let me know.

thank you

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Geting around to the New Years Resolution Goals

Hello everyone

A big goal for the New Year is the weight loss. Here are some helpful things to get going

1. Aim for something feasible.
Don't aim for something that is higher than you expect. 50 lbs in a year is possible, but when you haven't worked out in 10+ years, it will be hard to do. Start out with 10lbs, then work your way up. Aim small, then move on.

2. Don't do it alone
Have friends,family,spouses, and people around you to work toward it as well. Having many people around you helps you work towards something as a group and allows you to talk to people about situations.

3. Use Free services
Go to, it has calorie counters and tips on how to eat healthier. Also, if you have an Android powered phone. Use myfitnesspal It has a calorie counter with a huge database of foods as well as fitness counter( by far my favorite app)

4. Don't let small step backs ruin a huge step forward
Not everyone is perfect; if one day you over eat or feel you could have done better, don't let that ruin your self esteem and goal. Jump right back on that horse and keep going.