Thursday, December 12, 2013

Test Post from Weight Loss Specialist in Mesa, Arizona

Test Post from Weight Loss Specialist in Mesa, Arizona

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Believing Vs Knowing

 Hey everyone.

Today I want to talk about these two words today. When someone comes up to you at the gym, or life and says something that you are unsure about. RESEARCH IT! Believing is when someone tells you something that you think that it is true, when knowing is when you have evidence, FACTUAL evidence.

For example, the HCG diet was said to make you lose tons of weight and not feel hungry ever. People believed that it was true, but now it is known that it actually does nothing to make you feel less hungry, IT WAS ALL PSYCHOSOCIAL.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns let me know.

thank you

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Geting around to the New Years Resolution Goals

Hello everyone

A big goal for the New Year is the weight loss. Here are some helpful things to get going

1. Aim for something feasible.
Don't aim for something that is higher than you expect. 50 lbs in a year is possible, but when you haven't worked out in 10+ years, it will be hard to do. Start out with 10lbs, then work your way up. Aim small, then move on.

2. Don't do it alone
Have friends,family,spouses, and people around you to work toward it as well. Having many people around you helps you work towards something as a group and allows you to talk to people about situations.

3. Use Free services
Go to, it has calorie counters and tips on how to eat healthier. Also, if you have an Android powered phone. Use myfitnesspal It has a calorie counter with a huge database of foods as well as fitness counter( by far my favorite app)

4. Don't let small step backs ruin a huge step forward
Not everyone is perfect; if one day you over eat or feel you could have done better, don't let that ruin your self esteem and goal. Jump right back on that horse and keep going.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A good example of a strength building workout

Okay everyone, I am going to show you what it takes to have a good workout. A huge pet peeve I have is see people just machine hopping around the gym. I understand that maybe it is hard for some people to understand how to lift free weights or they are just nervous, but machines are not going to turn you into a supermodel, bodybuilder, or anything for that matter. Yes the argument is that they are safer, and really isolate the muscle you want to work. But when does that ever happen? When in real life do you ever really isolate one muscle in any activity? The answer is almost never.

So what makes a good strength building workout. First use the FITT formula, Frequency, Intensity, Type, and Time.
F= how many repetitions and sets you plan on doing
I= how hard you want to work, based on your purpose of the workout
T= goes with intensity, are you looking for strength,speed,agility,endurance, etc..
T= have a limit on how long you want to work.

I could use this for a Crossfit workout making it look something like this
For example the workout FRAN.( Ohhh NOO)
21-15-9 reps 95# thruster, Pullups

F=21 15 9 for 3 sets
I= balls to the wall
T= anaerobic capacity,speed,strength,endurance
T= trying to beat my previous time

Creatine, should I or shouldn't I??

The topic for today is Creatine. People at gyms are constantly talking about it and what it does for you, but is it true?

Creatine is a part of the energy cycle the body uses to have muscles contract. After people use the first source, ATP, it used CP, Creatine Phosphate. Taking Creatine as a supplement makes the Creatine readily available, thus making you have more energy during a workout, making you able to work longer, and harder.

Although the first Creatine supplement that had a bad stigma about you retaining water, the new and improved Creatine does not retain water.

The interesting thing about Creatine is that it is not effective in people that are not already weight trained, so if you are a beginner lifter, you have to wait a while before Creatine will be of any benefit to you.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Nutrition Help for the Holidays

The best way to lose that unwanted weight is to count calories. But what does that even mean? How much should I be eating? and what exactly should I eat?

In order to count calories, you need to figure out how much you should be eating. The best equation to use to help you find a number of calories is the Harrison Benedict equation. Here is a link, just add your information and it will give you the calories you should be eating per day.

Next, from that number, to have a balanced diet-the best diet out there- 55% of that should be Carbohydrates. Yes, that is right. I know that there are tons of people saying that you should avoid the evil carbohydrates as much as possible, but in reality, they are used for all muscle function and provide a lot of nutrition pathways through.
25% of your total calorie consumption should be Fat. Fat, or the broken down form, triglycerides, is what the heart uses for energy, as well as a way to transport and dissolve certain vitamins.

Lastly 20% of your calorie consumption should be Protein. Many people eat way too much protein when in reality your body can not use that much.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

What many people are missing in a workout

Today while I was at the gym I started to watch people working out just being curious to see if there is anything new that people are doing that I haven't seen, I saw this girl doing her routine, which was a great beginning workout, but the intensity was so slow, it was almost boring to watch.

That is the missing key for many people; Intensity.

The formula for a great workout can be said in an acronym. FITT. Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type. Skipping out on one, makes the workout an entire forth less efficient.

Next time when planning a workout, a helpful thing is to write it out using this same method and check yourself. If you feel that you aren't hitting all points to your satisfaction change that!

Let me know if you have any questions on examples or about anything fitness,nutrition, or mental health wise!!