Sunday, December 11, 2011

What many people are missing in a workout

Today while I was at the gym I started to watch people working out just being curious to see if there is anything new that people are doing that I haven't seen, I saw this girl doing her routine, which was a great beginning workout, but the intensity was so slow, it was almost boring to watch.

That is the missing key for many people; Intensity.

The formula for a great workout can be said in an acronym. FITT. Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type. Skipping out on one, makes the workout an entire forth less efficient.

Next time when planning a workout, a helpful thing is to write it out using this same method and check yourself. If you feel that you aren't hitting all points to your satisfaction change that!

Let me know if you have any questions on examples or about anything fitness,nutrition, or mental health wise!!

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