Sunday, December 18, 2011

A good example of a strength building workout

Okay everyone, I am going to show you what it takes to have a good workout. A huge pet peeve I have is see people just machine hopping around the gym. I understand that maybe it is hard for some people to understand how to lift free weights or they are just nervous, but machines are not going to turn you into a supermodel, bodybuilder, or anything for that matter. Yes the argument is that they are safer, and really isolate the muscle you want to work. But when does that ever happen? When in real life do you ever really isolate one muscle in any activity? The answer is almost never.

So what makes a good strength building workout. First use the FITT formula, Frequency, Intensity, Type, and Time.
F= how many repetitions and sets you plan on doing
I= how hard you want to work, based on your purpose of the workout
T= goes with intensity, are you looking for strength,speed,agility,endurance, etc..
T= have a limit on how long you want to work.

I could use this for a Crossfit workout making it look something like this
For example the workout FRAN.( Ohhh NOO)
21-15-9 reps 95# thruster, Pullups

F=21 15 9 for 3 sets
I= balls to the wall
T= anaerobic capacity,speed,strength,endurance
T= trying to beat my previous time

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