Thursday, December 15, 2011

Nutrition Help for the Holidays

The best way to lose that unwanted weight is to count calories. But what does that even mean? How much should I be eating? and what exactly should I eat?

In order to count calories, you need to figure out how much you should be eating. The best equation to use to help you find a number of calories is the Harrison Benedict equation. Here is a link, just add your information and it will give you the calories you should be eating per day.

Next, from that number, to have a balanced diet-the best diet out there- 55% of that should be Carbohydrates. Yes, that is right. I know that there are tons of people saying that you should avoid the evil carbohydrates as much as possible, but in reality, they are used for all muscle function and provide a lot of nutrition pathways through.
25% of your total calorie consumption should be Fat. Fat, or the broken down form, triglycerides, is what the heart uses for energy, as well as a way to transport and dissolve certain vitamins.

Lastly 20% of your calorie consumption should be Protein. Many people eat way too much protein when in reality your body can not use that much.

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